Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 10 artist statement

Juha Huuskonen is a self described artist, curator and software designer. He created the piece, bob meets barbara, for the collection of pieces focused on dualities, comparisons and contrasing relationships, doublecell.

The page starts up with a dot orbiting the two pieces. The user is instructed to make circles with their mouse. While orbiting the two pieces fast enough, they get closer, until they reach, and the box is split in fourths, with 1/4 size bob and barbaras. This goes on for about 4 or 5 rounds until the boxes get really small, and the viewing area zooms into one of these, and everything essentially starts over.

I like this work, because it is simple, and combines aspects of games with simple actions and divisions. The two pieces are probably bob and barbara, and this is probably a metaphore for sex, because there is a raised piece and a receded piece, and the two bocks come together like a puzzle.

I spent over 30 minutes playing this instead of doing finals.

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