Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 11 artist

Pac Manhattan was created in 2004 by NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. They were the first generation to grow up with video games. Everyone has their heroes, those they respect, admire, try to emulate, I think that the students' involved hero was Pac Man.

Pac Manhattan is a location-based game, which, means that gameplay relies on the character or characters' location IRL (in real life). Like many other location-based games, this game uses a form of localization technology, the cell phone.

The game consists of 10 players, 5 on the street: four ghosts and one pac man, and 5 in the control room, each of these controllers is paired with one of the players on the streets. The players and their controllers are to remain in constant contact during the game, the player tells the controller their locations, and then the controller updates the system with their player's position, and in the case of pac man, updates how many and which of the power dots have been used.

The game lasts until pac man is "eaten" by a ghost, or until pac man defeats the ghosts. Pac man can eat ghosts, like in the regular game after eating a power dot.

This is really interesting in that it takes a videogame and then applies it to a "real life situation", while the the opposite usually holds true.

I like this idea, and have always been a fan of flash mob type art works. Even before I knew that it was a form of artistic expression, I would always enjoy seeing peoples reactions and the value of challenging expectations. My friend and I would sometimes get people together when we were in the mall sometimes and all wear a certain color shirt, or speak in a particular accent. Who knew that being annoying was art?!

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