Monday, February 9, 2009

Artist topic #3

Anne-Marie Schleiner, Joan Leandre, and Brody Condon are concerned with the current state of affairs in the media of video games, specifically Counter-Strike. They see issues in the game, which pits terrorists versus counter-terrorist, as being an oversimplification of issues.

At first I thought they were an anti-violence group, but after considering their goal, I realize that FPS’s strive to be as realistic as possible, striving to make the player experience every scene they see and every sound they hear as close to life as possible, but the situations that these players are placed are not realistic. They attempt to create a space in the digital world where there are non-violent protests, and “directs a group of players to gather in a heart-shaped formation while repeatedly sending out the chat message "Love and Peace" and stoically refusing to move or return fire.” I like this idea but would get kind of annoyed if I was in this server. I’ve played Counter-Strike before, but couldn’t play for too long before realizing the kind of people that play like to troll, I’m glad that these artists took the initiative to try to bring a message to this game.

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